SCOR Working Group 168
Coordinating the Development of Gridded Four-Dimensional Data Products from Biogeochemical Argo Observations (4D-BGC)
Webinar Series
The goal of this webinar series is to introduce new and in-development BGC data products, review techniques used to develop data products from in situ observations, and to explore ways in which 4D-BGC products are leveraged to answer scientific questions.
Calendar (subscribe)
November 26, 2024
Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli (Recording)
Advancements in Biogeophysical 4D reconstructions: New methods development and exploitation of existing products for scientific investigations
February 20, 2025
Mary Margaret Stoll (Anouncement)
Leveraging 4-dimensionally mapped ocean biogeochemistry data products to inform species distribution modeling
March 24, 2025
Cara Nissen (Upcoming)
Webinar Recordings: 4D-BGC YouTube Page
Group Information
Substantial advances in oceanographic observation have been made in recent decades, allowing scientists to address questions relating to ocean physics and biogeochemistry on previously unattainable spatial and temporal scales. Remote sensing technology (1970s-pres.) has enabled highly resolved views of surface ocean properties and the Argo array (2000s-pres.) has generated unprecedented ocean interior temperature and salinity observations. The Biogeochemical (BGC) Argo array has grown over the early 21st century, and its planned expansion will soon generate ocean interior carbon, oxygen, nutrient, and optical data with near-global coverage. Four-dimensional (4D; latitude × longitude × depth × time), gridded, and gap-filled data products of these ocean interior properties are being developed. These products will enhance data accessibility and ease data interpretation, transforming our understanding of ocean biogeochemical processes such as carbon fixation, export and remineralization, ocean acidification, deoxygenation, and nutrient cycling. Regular updates to these 4D-BGC products will allow scientists and decision-makers to monitor changes to important biogeochemical processes in near-real-time. This group will facilitate discussion and coordination among different scientific communities around developing, validating, and distributing 4D-BGC products from observational datasets, with a focus on the BGC-Argo array. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to significantly enhance access and utility of BGC observations through 4D-BGC products, and thus refine our understanding of ocean biogeochemistry, improve models and reanalysis products, and inform policy decisions.
Raphaëlle Sauzède (France), Jonathan Sharp (USA)
Full Members
Haimanti Biswas (India), Henry Bittig (Germany), Laique Djeutchouang (South Africa), Tobias Ehmen (UK), Tetsuichi Fujiki (Japan), Rodrigo Kerr (Brazil), Jens Daniel Müller (Switzerland), Andrea Rochner (UK)
Associate Members
Lucile Duforêt-Gaurier (France), Hayley Evers-King (Germany), Katja Fennel (Canada), Peter Landschützer (Belgium), Siv K. Lauvset (Norway), Nicolas Mayot (UK), Alexandre Mignot (France), Peter Oke (Australia), Katherine Turner (USA), Xiaogang Xing (China-Beijing), Cunjin Xue (China-Beijing)
Affiliated Members
Paul Chamberlain (USA), Louise Delaigue (Netherlands), Hernan Garcia (USA), Takamitsu Ito (USA), Lydia Keppler (USA), Neill Mackay (UK), Antoine Poteau (France), P.R. Renosh (France), Adam Stoer (Canada), Andrew Watson (UK)
SCOR Representatives
Emily Twigg (SCOR Executive Director, USA), Sinjae Yoo (WG 168 Reporter, Korea)
Group Activities
Meeting 1
18 Feb 2024, New Orleans, LA, USA
The first meeting of the SCOR WG #168 was held in New Orleans, LA, in association with the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, and featured both in-person and virtual participants. Key topics included discussion of the motivation and objectives of the working group, how to ensure operational production and regular updates of newly developed products, and the coherence of 4D observational products with existing 3D products, especially in the case of ocean carbon. Additionally, several lightning presentations showcased various ocean carbon, oxygen, and optics products utilizing machine learning and objective interpolation to map ocean biogeochemical data products.

Meeting 2
3 May 2024, Virtual
The second meeting of SCOR WG #168 was held virtually on May 3, 2024. The meeting included discussion on model assimilation of observation-based data products and the formation of breakout groups. The group discussed the writing of a synthesis paper and the creation of a data product archive by October, with suggestions for setting up a group website and employing strategies for task tracking. The group also deliberated on meeting frequency, communication channels, and potential in-person meetings in 2025 and 2026, along with ideas for capacity development activities and effective ways to engage external members.

4D-BGC Data Products
This section will soon include a link to an archive of available four-dimensional products of ocean biogeochemistry that will be maintained by WG #168 on the Biogeochemical Argo website.